Short Courses - Daytime

Short Courses - Daytime

ACT Brighton and The Lantern Theatre received funding from the Department for Culture and Health to run a programme of daytime performing arts classes.

Come and get creative with our new programme of daytime community performing arts classes! No Upper Age Limit, Classes for Mature Learners. Meet for coffee and cake, before or after classes, in our friendly Cafe at 77 St James’s Street

There are a mixture of courses (6 week blocks) and classes (4 week blocks) - some of which offer drop ins.

You can see more details and book the courses at our sister website ACT Brighton.

Age Positive Stage Acting Workshop Intermediate Level

Tutor: Daniel Finlay

All the world’s a stage and it’s never too late to be a player! Acting is a great way to boost confidence and memory while building connections over shared experiences.

This intermediate term of classes, taught in two 6 week blocks of 2 hour classes, is aimed at students who have already attended some drama classes and have started to use and understand the basic principles of acting and drama. It is a perfect follow on to our Beginners classes.

Students will explore working with text through a range of scripts and developing and applying acting tools and techniques. They will look at how to develop a character and there will be a small ‘show and tell’ in the last week of each term.

Although Block 1 will build on the work done in Block 2 you do not have to have done Block 1 to join Block 2. Students will explore different types of scripts and characters in each block.

Suggested age 50+.

Weekly on a Wednesday


11th September – 16th October

30th October – 4th December

Time: 10.30am - 12.30pm

Standard £120.00 / Concession £90.00 for six weeks of 2hr classes.

There is no drop in / pay as you go option. If you are experiencing financial hardship and need to pay weekly or seeking a part funded place please contact us directly.

To book on this course please go to our sister website ACT Brighton.

Age Positive Stage Acting Workshop – Beginners Level

Tutor: Daniel Finlay

All the world’s a stage and it’s never too late to be a player! Acting is a great way to boost confidence and memory while building connections over shared experiences.

Join us to have fun and learn theatre skills, whether you’re new to acting or want to rediscover your love for it. Come along and find your creative self-expression through improvisation, character creation, poetry, clowning, dialogue, text, and storytelling.

Suggested age 50+.

Weekly on a Wednesday


11th September – 16th October

30th October – 4th December

Time: 1.30pm - 3.00pm

Standard £90.00 / Concession £67.50 for six weeks of 1.5hr classes

Drop in for £15 / Concession £11.25 a session

To book on this course please go to our sister website ACT Brighton.

Scene Study Class – Advanced

In this new Scene Study Class, professional actors will work in pairs on staying present and connected with their partners with scripts in hand.

Before the first class, you will be paired with your scene partner and assigned the pre-class homework of finding a scene you both want to work on for the next four weeks. This can be something from a play or a film, or you might decide to transcribe something you’ve just watched.

So that there will be time to work the scenes, there is a strict 3-minute maximum for scenes, no longer than 2-3 pages. If it is longer than 3 minutes, you will be asked to edit your scene down.

You do not need to learn your lines before class; this is a script-in-hand acting workshop.

As actors, when we’re not working, we need to be in class.

Come ready to improvise with the text as we work on staying open and connected.

This class will be capped at 12 people.

Standard £80 / Concession £60 4 x 2hr classes

Fridays 11am-1pm

7th June - 28th June

To book on this course please go to our sister website ACT Brighton.

Screen Acting / Acting for Camera

If you’re a fan of films and TV and have admired moving and memorable performances, our Introduction to Screen Acting course will introduce you to the techniques used by the actors.

You will gain a solid introduction to working practically in front of the camera. The focus is on combining the technical discipline needed for screen work with simple script and character work. You will explore practical exercises and work towards a short on screen performance. Your work will be filmed during the session, and you will be able to examine your progress during playback. You will work both singularly and with other actors, and begin to develop skills in taking direction. The course will give students a practical understanding of what screen acting entails.

This course is suitable for those with little or no acting experience.

Weekly on a Friday


September TBC

Time: 11am - 1pm

Standard £80.00 / Concession £60.00 for four week block of 2 hrs classes.

To book on this course please go to our sister website ACT Brighton.

Screen Acting / Acting for Camera Advanced Level

This intensive course will develop your skills and the discipline required to be ready to enter the real world of film and television acting. Using scene work and specialised exercises the course will increase your confidence and know-how, to feel ready and prepared when arriving on set.

Previous experience required. You need to have developed your skills while studying on an acting foundation or degree, or have completed an accredited acting course, or have equivalent industry experience.
In order to get the most from the course you will be able to:

• Speak English fluently and clearly.
• Read a script accurately.
• Give and receive constructive feedback.
• Take notes.

Weekly on a Friday

Dates: September TBC

Time: 2pm - 4pm

Standard £80.00 / Concession £60.00 for four week block of 2 hrs classes.

To book on this course please go to our sister website ACT Brighton.


Course Fees:

Our daytime classes and courses all run at £10 per taught hour, so the total depends on how long the class is and how many weeks it runs for.

Begginers / Intermediate / Advanced

4 week block of 2 hrs is £80.00 (Concesssion £60.00)

6 week block of 1.5hrs is £90.00 (Concesssion £67.50)

6 week block of 2hrs is £120.00 (Concession £90.00)

Drop In sessions are £15 (Cons £11.25) for a 1.5hr class and £20 (Cons £15) for a 2hr class (where available).

If you are experiencing financial hardship and need to pay weekly or seeking a part funded place please contact us directly.

We are not wheelchair accessible.